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High Precision Tools

heights at even greater speeds.

These industries require ultra high precision and fine mirror-like finishes to manufacture their products. RockWell has focused its resources and technology on these applications and provides a full range of quality, high value products to meet customer needs.

Diamond Dicing Blades

Manufactured with selected diamond particles with a metal matrix matched to the application. Provides longer tool life and lower cost.



Silicon Wafer Edge Grinding Wheels

Used to granding the edge of silicon wafers.



Micro Blades

There is a great demand for special bonded wheels that are harder than both resin and metal bonded wheels, for the use in automated equipment and system, which both resin and metal bonded wheels will not suffice. These highly demanded bonded wheels must be durable with extended life and be self-truing and self-dressing in order to sustain maximum performance over long periods of heavy use. Vitrified-bond technology is todays answer.
A vitrified bond is actually a ceramic bond. It is extremely hard, yet free cutting, and combines the better characteristics of both resin and metal bonds. It provides a longer tool life, effective grinding, and high productivity to provide maximum performance with minimum maintenance.
Since the late 1980's, ROCKWELL has developed high quality vitrified-bonded CBN wheels for grinding auto-parts, such as constant velocity ball joints. Thereafter, ROCKWELL expanded the development of vitrified-bonded wheels for many different applications such as for grinding high precision machine parts, bearings, geaUsed for high precision cutting of electronic parts.



Silicon Wafer Back Grinding Wheels

Used for trimming of silicon wafers.



Silicon Wafer CMP Pad Conditioners

CMP Pad Conditioners are used for dressing poly-urethane based CMP pads. EHWA produces pad conditioners by three methods. BSL (brazed single layer) Electroplated. NEW BSL type (double metal layer).



R & D

The 21st century opened the door to a highly information-oriented industrial society. ROCKWELL has been actively pursuing information exchange with well - known companies and institutes throughout the world, helping to make ROCKWELL a name associated with quality and exellence in its industry. readmore