You are here: Home Products Resin Bonded Wheels Diamond Centerless Grinding Wheels

Diamond Centerless Grinding Wheels

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This wheel is used for the peripheral grinding of workpieces and the mass production of true round parts.

(unit: mm)

?30550, 75, 100
?405100, 150, 200*5
?455100, 150, 500*3


1.Superior grinding action
2.Long life
3.Competitve price

1.Please do not damage the wheel surface by excessive infeed.
2.Please check the runout of the wheel during initial set up; it should bewithin 0.01mm.
3.Peripheral speed / Nonferrous: 25m / sec / Ferrous: 30m / sec.
4.Most grinding problems are solved by adjusting the complementary abrasive and guide.


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