Research & Development
Creative research and development activities for the 21st century
The 21st century opened the door to a highly information-oriented industrial society. ROCKWELL has been actively pursuing information exchange with well - known companies and institutes throughout the world, helping to make ROCKWELL a name associated with quality and exellence in its industry.
Furthermore, ROCKWELL is pursuing aggressive R & D activities from initial feasibility studies to final application stages, enabling us to make new tools catering to the tastes and needs of our times. By using state-of-the-art research equipment including precision
X-ray analyzer and scanning electron microscope, ROCKWELL has progressively pursued its R & D activities. We can confidently assure you that we will provide quick answers based on our accumulated experience and technology to all of your questions.
ROCKWELL strives to become the very best partner for its customers, and aggressive investment in R & D has been an integral part of our strategy towards achieving our goal. ROCKWELL's test laboratory contains an array of industry equipment such as precision tool grinders and civil engineering stone cutting machines.
The test results on specific workpieces requested by our customers are intergrated into our product development, thus helping to make top quality products tailored to meet customer requirements. In addition, the `Diamond Saw Blade Test' employing our stone cutting machine allows for precision cutting of raw stones from various regions around the world.
By feeding back the results to our manufacturing process, ROCKWELL's laboratory successfully carries out its role of developing application-specific tools that satisfy diverse customer needs.
Latest Achievements
Development of diamond wire saw.
Development of dicing blade for electronics.
Development of forming wheels (improved efficiency).
Development of stone polishing pad.
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