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Silicon Wafer CMP Pad Conditioners

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CMP Pad Conditioners are used for dressing poly-urethane based CMP pads. EHWA produces pad conditioners by three methods. BSL (brazed single layer) Electroplated. NEW BSL type (double metal layer).

BSL products provide very fast removal rate as a result of the chemical bonding of the abrasive grit to a stainless steel body and the resuiting increased chip clearance. Electrolated products provide improved flatness and better surface finish.

The NEW BSL type has a double metal layer. The first layer provides excellent diamond retention and the second layer provides a clean surface that minimizes micro-scratches. The NEW BSL type conditioner combines the best features of both giving rapid stock remval while providing a clean surface that minimizes micro-scratches and provides improved flatness.



ClassificationAbrasive bondingDistinctive features
Chemical reaction
*Chip pocket : good circutation of'slurry
*Excallent Diamond Bonding : prevents
..diamond pull out.
*Diamond protrusion : good removal rate.
Mechanical tightening
*Good flatness : minimize micro scratching.
*Good wear resistance : lesscontamination.
NEW BSL Type (Double
Metal Layer)
Chemical + Mechanical bonding

*Merits of Brazed Single Layer and
..electroplated product.
*Higher removal rate without micro- scratch.


Mahines (MODEL)Polished materialsAvailable grit size
AMAT(Mirra) SpeedFam
/ IPEC (Auriga, CMP
200 / 300, Avantgaard 776,
876) Ebara (EPO-222 (H),
333) Strasbaugh (6DS-SP
, 6ED) Lam (Teres. ect.
Oxide CMP :
Metal CMP :
(AL, W, Cu) STI, PGI,
Poly-Si CMP
#30 / 40 -
#120 / 140




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